Tuesday 6 November 2012

First Brief

Your first task is to create a 2d digital or traditional piece of concept art of a subterranean alien. Only one submission per person and for this one there no time limit, but you have to tell us how long it took you (no lying!). The deadline for submissions is 6pm Friday the 9th, we'll have a new brief up by the end of friday too.

to submit either facebook any of us or email 6b.bennett@gmail.com. Any queries or ideas for the next brief just leave us a comment.

happy drawing pilgrim!

some of the results so far:

Rebecca Anju Wignall 1hr45mins

 Taime Brent Rotchell 3hrs

Becky Michalak 2hrs

Adam Hill 7hrs

 Ben Bennett 3hrs

1 comment:

  1. Great to see this. Practise like this leads to such progress :)
